During exam week before Christmas break, I found myself with quite a bit of free time (once you excluded studying, exams, and sleep). For me, this was a blessing and a curse as I had ample time to spend thinking; a dangerous past time, I know (movie quote, anyone..?). However, one day while luxuriously participating in this lovely activity, nature called. And, as you know, when nature dials your number...well, you don't want to miss that call. Maybe it was exams, the lack of sleep, or the social isolation...but I found myself reminded of the phrase, "I gotta pee like a mother". And I realized, unfortunately for me (...you, and this blog...), I didn't have a firm grasp on what that meant. So, being my wonderfully creative (and a bit clueless) self, I decided that I would assign possible meanings to this phrase...
1. An actual mom
You know one's body changes as age takes it's toil, and I'm sure the older you get the more difficult/lengthy/stressful/ect. such an activity becomes to a mom. Especially amidst the busy life of a stay-at-home-mom...watching the kids, house work, bills, cooking, facebook, book club...what shall you do when nature calls? Simply put, the act of 'relieving oneself' becomes an inconvenience (aptly recognized by the phrase).
2. A pregnant woman
This one actually makes sense. Because of obvious physical 'space' limitations, pregnant females pee quite a bit. Think about how horrible it must be...like a shark attack, this could occur at anytime and in anyplace (walking down the street, sitting in one's room, running a marathon, putting on a pair of leg warmers, reading the latest teen-romance novel...no impregnated female is safe). To empathize with this connotation would be an attempt to comment on the frequency nature hits the speed-dial button...
3. A mother...let's just say a 'bad word' (not literally, but an implied one)
This, I was saddened to discover is the most used interpretation of the phrase. However, it makes little sense to me. That's all I care to say about that.
While you might be laughing on the inside (or outside for all you 'lol' users out there) about how naive I appear to be based on this mini-brain storm, let me just point out that I'm slightly used to getting things like this wrong. For example, during my childhood I mispronounced 'remote control' and 'specific' quite a bit. I would ask my mother where the 'aremote control' was or ask my dad to be more 'pacific'. I even misread the poem, "Whose List to Hunt" by Sir Thomas Wyatt. The poem is a symbolic tale of a young man who is lusting after a woman who 'belongs' to the king by comparing (metaphorically of course) the young man to a hunter and the woman to a deer that belongs to 'Caesar'. I read through Wyatt's poem and actually asked my teacher why Caesar has a pet deer.
Yes, thankfully I came to realize such blunders as these with time, but while I may appear to be foolish...it's kind of enjoyable to look back at moments such as these and laugh (one of my favorite past times, truth be told). And as odd, embarrassing, or socially unacceptable such occurrences might be considered...I take pride in my crazy moments and laughing at oneself is crucial to living a non-overrated life. If you can't even laugh at your own mistakes, then can you expect to withstand situations in which others laugh at you? To be 'pacific', life is too short to worry about such things.