Wednesday, February 16, 2011

According to Google

Have you ever been so bored (or avoiding work/studying/watching your kids...ect.) that you find yourself on the internet just perusing websites? As of ten minutes ago my wanderings led me to Google, the mother-load of all things "searchable". Because of the inspirational Justin Bieber Valentine I received tonight, I felt led to type in his name and see what the world thought of him. The results were pretty entertaining and I took it from there...

Google Search: Justin Bieber is...
Prompts/Results: Justin Bieber is gay (debatable)
                                                 51 (make-up is a marvelous and magical thing)
                                                dead (...Bieber undead fever?)
                                                a girl (just because he sings like one)
                                                a gay baby (my favorite)
                                                ugly (to each her own)
                                                fake (hope not, who would little girls cry about?)

Google Search: Justin Bieber needs to...

Prompts/Results: Justin Bieber needs to die (that's not very nice)
                                                          pee (at some point)
                                                          go away (from...?)
                                                          hit puberty (AMEN)
                                                          be shot (flu shot, tetanus shot, H1N1?)

Switching gears...

Google Search: Miley Cyrus eats...

Prompts/Results: Miley Cyrus eats cats (Chinese food? Mr. Whiskers?)
                                                   meat (what? she's a vegetarianism)
                                                   puppies (Korean food? Fluffy?)
                                                   you (RUN FOR YOU LIFE!)
                                                   a baby (so I guess babysitting is out of the question...)

Google Search: Why is my...

Prompts/Results: Why is my eye twitching
                              poop green (PLEASE see a doctor)
                              dog staring at me (he has the rumblies that only hands can satisfy?)
                              internet so slow (blame your parents, school, or computer)
                              dog throwing up (hands didn't agree with him?)
                              hair falling out (you're married, have kids, your dog just ate hands)

Google Search: My head is...

Prompts/Results: My head is stuck in the clouds (does she begs you to come down?)
                                bloody but unbound (HOSPITAL)
                                itchy (lice, dandruff, cheap wig...?)
                                full of pretty lumps (lovely lady lumps? lumps of oatmeal or coal?)
                                too big (well DUH. I mean look at your melon-headed children)
                                heavy (see "too big")

Scared yet? Well...suffice it to say that my curiosity and bored tendencies tonight have been quelled/squashed/put to rest. Google is a magical thing and provides lots of opinions and knowledge, but be careful. Remember, with great power comes great...nah. That quote is just plain overrated.

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