When I was younger, I used to pray about my future husband (if he existed). I often wondered, "what would he look like" and "have I already met him"? I even prayed that God would show me without a shadow of a doubt who my husband would be when He dropped the guy in my lap. Of course, I was being metaphorical, but after a fat kid fell on me at a hayride...let's just say that prayer was quickly extinguished. Overall, I think that being single is quite a wonderful thing. For instance, if you were in a relationship, these things could become problematic...
1. Accepting chivalry
Yes, I appreciate chivalrous actions. No, I am not a feminist (if you thought that, just skip down to my second point). Let's just say that I appreciate doing things for myself by myself. I am independent...so sue me. Yes, if I ever get in a relationship I'll have to suck this up and deal with it (well, I suppose that depends on the guy), but for now, watch me open my own door and love every second of it.
2. Sexist jokes
One of my personal favorites, and something I do in my free time. Wanna hear a joke? Women's rights. I know, isn't this counter productive? Think about it, could I really be sexist against women? Sure feminists might hate me, but it's great that I'm not in a relationship because I feel like I might be seriously degrading my own gender...especially if that significant other agrees with me. I guess if I stay in the kitchen, where I'm supposed to be, then I wouldn't have to worry about it...
3. Sharing time
I struggle with having enough time for God, keeping up with my meager social life, balancing school work, and reminding my family I still exist. The last thing I need is an extra mouth to feed...oh wait, that's a different argument. Anyway, you get my point. I am not a circus performer, and I make a poor juggler.
4. Being a man-hater
I am personally not a man-hater (at least not all the time), but I find these females quite hilarious and fun to be around. However, when you think about it, it might be a bit difficult to be in a relationship (with a guy...) when you harbor extreme loathing and distaste for his entire gender. Sure, a bit of aversion might be a problem, but how are you supposed to grow together if you have a hatred that could only be compared to a burning passion of a thousand suns.
5. Friend sharing
So you guys have the same friends, great. What happens if you break-up? Wouldn't it be awkward? Lines would be drawn, sides would be taken, and your former love-life could potentially become a shoot-out scene in one of those old western flicks your dad loves. So basically, unless you're 100% sure it could work...don't do it.
6. Bumming it up
Psh, dressing up is overrated. Comfy is lovely...but guys don't always agree with that statement, hence the problem. So on those days when you are just rocking the jammies, sloppy up-do, unwashed face, and mismatched socks...just be grateful that you can wear whatever your hobo-shaped heart desires without grossing out that potential someone.
7. Movie nights
Have you ever seen the guy/girl you like (let' pretend like I'm keeping the genders paired up with their opposite...) eat popcorn in a movie theater? Enough said.
8. Dates
So he pays, you pay, you go Dutch, his choice, your choice, staying in...decisions, decisions. Honestly, being single takes an emotional and financial load off the old wallet (or debit card, whatever you kids are using these days). College is expensive enough without having to be chivalrous with your bank account. So on those days you feel the breath of debt and a zero-balanced bank account breathing down your neck, just be thankful (cough cough, fellas) that you don't have a girlfriend riding shotgun on this downward spiral. (A bit harsh? It's a harsh world)
While some of these items may appear a bit daunting (and pessimistic of me), overall, I don't have any problem with relationships. Have them. Enjoy them. Love them. But, make sure that you are fully committed to the sacrifices and complications that come with them. Be prepared to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sorry, apparently this has turned a bit life-coachy...but hey, no shame right? For now, I will take my seat on this hayride with a fat kid-free lap. (Cause doctor's visits can be so overrated)
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