So, 2010 has passed and I know I'm not the only person out there happy to see it gone. Now that 2011 has officially began, it's about time for some honest (and sarcastically observed) disappointments that many people experienced in 2010. So I am presenting the top 7 let-downs of this previous year. Why 7? Why not? Having 10 is extremely overrated.
1. My 18th birthday
Make no mistake, my party was amazing. My dad sprung a surprise party on me and I loved every minute of it, however, the actual act of "turning 18" was not quite as magical as I had been led to believe. I did not think that I would feel empowered, look especially different, or become a respected adult virtually overnight...really? Who expects that? I am merely pointing out that being 18 is no different from being 17 or just get a few more responsibilities put on your plate and you can go to "big kid jail". Wo-hoo.
2. Sillybands
Jelly bracelets to slap bracelets to sillybands? Not even a contest. While the idea of a cute little pack of multicolored animals/vehicles/words/foods sounds adorable, the fact that kids would get into fights at school over them and schools actually had to ban this escalating fad is a bit ridiculous. What's the point? Aside from being a waste of money (roughly a $4-5 waste) you couldn't even tell what each band was shaped like while on a kid's wrist. And after waiting for an 8 year-old child that wants to show you their 50+ sillybands to remove each one from their circulation-deprived arms; you could have walked a mile, saved a whale, taken a 18 minute nap, or finished 23 geometry problems. Wasn't worth the wait, was it?
3. The music industry
While the songs overall from 2010 have not been a wash, the artists who keep appearing in the music lime-light are as musically gifted as they are visually identical. If I see one more under dressed, over made-up (aka. cake faced) pop sensations who have the same fake hair or freakish behavior I think I might just scream (or throw-up...wait scratch that, too much effort). C'mon music industry. I know writing songs about love, partying, drinking, or being an "individual" will never get old, but many of you're cliche wardrobe choices and rapping styles leave much to be desired in 2011.
4. Snuggies
Franky this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen actively marketed on television. Did people who bought them not realize that by turning your bathrobe inside-out you can create you're very own cost-efficient, do-it-yourself, multi-purpose snuggie? What about blankets? They still enjoy being cuddled with, and they don't have a name that makes you think of a diaper brand. I say for 2011 we give the blanket's their jobs back.
5. Celebrities in commericals
What do Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Hudson, and Snooki all have in common? All of them have been in commercials featuring themselves supporting various products beginning in the last months in 2010. Kutcher and the powershot camera (it's the powershot right?) isn't the worst commercial in the world, but c'mon. He's mediocre at acting and his personality seems a bit too fake for my liking. I probably will not be purchasing a camera anytime soon. Jennifer Hudson. Ok girlfriend, we know you've lost weight and you look good, but weight watchers isn't the only way to get that done. A little bit of watching what you're eating and exercise (basically what she's promoting except doing it yourself is cheaper). And Snooki isn't even a celebrity. After watching her in that pistachio commercial (not that I favored them to begin with) I can honestly say that I have no desire whatsoever to watch that ever again.
6. Hannah Montana
Don't even get me started. I said her name...'nuff said.
7. My roommate.
Now don't get me wrong, going to college is a wonderful experience that is only enhanced by the beautiful and unique individuals that you get to room with. I was blessed with not one but two nursing majors to live with. One of my roommies is a lovely gal from VA and the OTHER one is slightly-less-than-average...ok, she's just short girl from somewhere in SC, supposedly. My VA roomie is amazing and not creepy (unlike my "SC" roomie). Aside from her odd height problem, she has made it a habit to grab my feet while I am asleep, make weird cooing noises randomly, and she constantly berates me. I know that many college freshman have entered their dorm rooms for the first time and discovered the "odd roommate" living with them. While she is not dangerous, I am happy to say my bed is elevated and I have a pocket knife in a drawer in my desk for any emergency involving her. Being able to tell people that I live with only 1 normal roomie is a bit tragic for me, and might be my biggest disappointment of 2010.
So there you have it. Some of the biggest disappointments and "fails" of the year formerly known as 2010. None of them are truly tragic or detrimental, and I believe that 2011 holds the potential to create a whole new set of disappointments all on it's own.
All I can say is.... RUDE.
The "OTHER" Roommate
I was actually thinking about changing number 7 to 6 1/2...
ReplyDeletehaha thanks for calling me the normal rommie:)